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アメリカと日本のコミュニケーションスタイルの最大の違い[高文脈 対 低文脈文化] (パート2)

執筆者の写真: miho405miho405


この記事は日本語と英語で読めます。 最初は英語で、その下が日本語翻訳。


The no.1 communication style difference between the U.S. and Japan [High-context vs. Low-context cultures] (Part 2)

We’ve seen previously that the United States is classified by scholars as the lowest-context culture in the world, while Japan is classified as the highest-context culture.

Let’s ponder this distinction further by exploring a potential explanation for this difference in communication styles, then by going through one manifestation of the difference.

History and diversity as an explanation for the importance of context in communication

The U.S. that we know now has been forged by successive waves of immigration that started when the first British colony was established in Virginia in 1607. As a result, the country is often referred to as a “melting pot” or a “kaleidoscope” of cultures. Migrants came from different countries, had different religions, spoke different languages, or had different accents even when speaking the same language.

With this in mind, it seems natural that American culture developed based on clear, transparent and straightforward communication out of a need for residents to communicate as effectively as possible despite their various languages and backgrounds.

On the other hand, the Japan we now know is the result of a long history of homogeneity, where even the mighty Mongols failed to conquer the country in the 13th century. In 2008, the Japanese Immigration Centre estimated that 2.2 million immigrants resided in Japan, or 1.72% of the population.

It also seems acceptable that with homogeneity comes the expectation that people should understand each other easily, hence negating the necessity for direct communication.

But history and homogeneity do not explain all of the low- vs high-context differences between cultures. In fact, if you look at rankings of countries by degree of diversity and rankings of cultures by context reliance, you’ll notice that they do not overlap completely.

Context reliance shifts the responsibility for good communication

One noticeable consequence of the high- vs low-context distinction is who the responsibility for good communication falls onto—speaker or listener.

Low-context cultures emphasize the responsibility of the speaker. If you didn’t understand what I want to say, it’s because I didn’t explain it well enough. It is hence my responsibility, as the speaker, to make myself understood.

In a work context, it is the boss’s responsibility to explain what she expects from her team and to set clear deadlines and goals. You cannot hold people accountable for something you haven’t clearly requested. A good communicator is someone who is clear, direct and decisive, and who eliminates vagueness and uncertainty.

High-context cultures emphasize the responsibility of the listener. If you didn’t understand what I want to say, it’s because you haven’t paid enough attention to the context of our conversation.

In a work context, it is the subordinate’s responsibility to understand what their boss needs them to do and how to do it. There’s more tolerance for differences in perception, and an ability to “read the mood” or “read between the lines” is highly valued. A good communicator is someone who listens and is able to anticipate or intuitively understand the needs of the situation.

Can you think of other aspects of behavior influenced by the low- vs high-context distinction? We look forward to your comments in the section below.

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アメリカと日本のコミュニケーションスタイルの 最大の違い [高文脈文化 VS 低文脈文化] (Part 2)


コミュニケーションスタイルの違いに潜在する真相を探り、 その「高文脈 対 低文脈文化」との違いを1つ明らかにし、この相違点をさらに深く考えてみましょう。

高文脈 対 低文脈文化:コミュニケーションにおける文脈の重要性の歴史と多様性の解説

我々が現在認識しているアメリカ合衆国は、1607年にバージニア州で最初のイギリス植民地を開いた時から始まり、その後の連続的な移民の波によって築き上げられました。 そのためしばしばアメリカは文化の「るつぼ」または「万華鏡」と呼ばれます。 移民達は異なる国からやってきて、異なる宗教を持ち、異なる言語を話し、また同じ言語でも異なるアクセントであったりしました。


一方、我々が現在認識している日本は、13世紀には強大なモンゴルでさえ征服できず、均質な長い歴史を持っています。2008年、日本の入国管理局は推定220万人 (人口の1.72%) の移民が日本に住んでいるとしています。

その均質性により人々はお互いを容易に理解することの期待があり、 そのため直接的なコミュニケーションのに対して否定的なように見えます。



高文脈と低文脈の顕著な相違点の1つとして、 話し手や聞き手への良好なコミュニケーションのための責任の所在があります。

低文脈文化は話し手の責任に重きをおきます。もしあなたが私の言っていることを理解できていないのならば、それは私の説明が不十分だからです。 つまり、私が話し手として私自身を理解させることが私の責任になります。




低文脈と高文脈の違いの影響からくる行為を他にも思い浮かびますか? もしあればれば、是非以下のコメント欄にご返信ください。

英語でのコミュニケーションスキルを磨いてみませんか? CfICの「Business Meetings」セッションに参加すると、 英語でのプレゼンテーションとディスカッションの練習ができます!





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